Julia is a rather new and ground-breaking programming language that was released in early stages back in 2012. In that short span of time between then and 2020, the size of the ecosystem and the build of the language has absolutely exploded. Just looking at the popularity based on Github stars and Insights of the programming language, it is easy to see just how much the language has accomplished in just the past few years.
Julia’s success has ultimately correlated with the rapid machine-learning growth that the scientific ecosystem has experienced in general.
Genie web framework
Genie is a full-stack MVC web framework that provides a streamlined and efficient workflow for developing modern web applications. It builds on Julia’s strengths (high-level, high-performance, dynamic, JIT compiled), exposing a rich API and a powerful toolset for productive web development.
How to Install Genie
By interactive environment
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("Genie")
By Pkg REPL - from Julia’s registry
pkg> add Genie
By Pkg REPL - by running off the master branch
pkg> add Genie#master
Developing Genie Web Services
REST API backend - coding
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using Genie, Genie.Router, Genie.Renderer.Json, Genie.Requests using HTTP
route("/") do "Welcome to Genie!" |> json end
route("/foo") do json(:foo => "Foo") end
route("/sum/:x::Int/:y::Int") do params(:x) + params(:y) |> json end
Genie.startup(port = 8080, async = false)
REST API backend - running
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julia rest-demo.jl ┌ Info: └ Web Server starting at - press Ctrl/Cmd+C to stop the server.
REST API client
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$ curl -isS --http2
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Server: Genie/Julia/1.5.4 Transfer-Encoding: chunked